1st Burnmoor

1st Burnmoor Scout Group is a registered charity which provides a wide range of activities for boys and girls aged 6 years upwards. There are Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers for the youngsters. Parents and other adults can also be involved by becoming leaders, serving on the Commitee, joining the Active Support Unit and/or attending the many social events that are held though the year to raise funds for the Group.

The headquarters of 1st Burnmoor Scout Group is the Robert Forster House which is located near the junction between the A1052 and Lumley New Road, opposite the old Fence Houses fire station.

The Group was formed in 1929 and had several homes before its new headquarters were opened in 1975. It draws most of its younger members from the villages of Burnmoor and Fence Houses but has members from further afield. There are also people from all other the country who play an active and very important part in the Group’s life. We hope to hear from as many people as possible, from as far afield as possible, who have been involved in 1st Burnmoor Scouts throughout the years.


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Group Scout Leader:
Alan Forster
Beavers: Wednesdays at 5:30 - 6:30
Cubs: Wednesdays 6:45-8:15
Scouts: Tuesdays 7:00-9:00