We are pleased to be back at Beamish Museum for our annual St George’s Day parade this year.
St George is the Patron Saint of Scouting. St George epitomised the qualities of selflessness and courage which Scouting’s Founder, Lord Baden Powell, saw as being among the aims of Scouting. Thus on the Sunday near to St George’s Day, Scouts hold ceremonies when they reaffirm their Promise and acknowledge the Scout Law in a national act of dedication.
All Scout Groups in Chester-le-Street will be invited to attend our public parade through the centre of Beamish Museum on Sunday 21st April 2024. The museum will be supporting our parade and stopping the trams and buses so we can proudly (and safely) pass through the town, led by our Scout Band. It will be an opportunity for us to all reflect on our Scout values and we will reaffirm our Scout Promise. It is a very public event and is likely to draw a lot of support from visitors to the museum.
Following the event, there is an opportunity for families to stay at the museum and enjoy the exhibits for the rest of the day.
The museum requires that all young people at Beaver Scout, Cub Scout and Scout age are escorted by an adult around the museum and therefore should be accompanied by a parent/carer or in a small group in the presence of a leader if remaining in the museum after the parade.
Cost of the event:
What you need to bring:
Please wear your full uniform
Please bring a suitable coat as you will be outdoors for most of this
If you are staying at the museum, you might want a packed lunch or money to buy food and drinks in the museum.
Remember your personal medication!
No more Scout family/friends discounted tickets are available to purchase in advance – although some discounts may be available on the day through Beamish
Information for leaders:
You will have this event shared with you on Online Scout Manager – please indicate (for planning purposes) who will be attending from your section’s membership.
This event will be risk assessed by the District Team and shared with leaders on Online Scout Manager nearer to the event.