1st Newfield

Our 1st Newfield Scout Group will be on an extended festive break as we strengthen the volunteer leadership team of the Scout Group. This follows some volunteer changes amongst the group leadership team.

Our District Support Team will be contacting all parents/carers and volunteers in early January to arrange a Group Scout Council meeting to plan the next steps for the Scout Group. A date for all sections in the group restarting will be agreed at this meeting.

Would you like to join the Scout Group? Please fill in our Waiting List Joining Form here.

Enquiries about the group can be directed to newfield@chesterlestreetscouts.org.uk


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Group Scout Leader:
David Quinn
Beavers: Thursdays at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Cubs: Thurdays at 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Scouts: Thursdays at 7:30pm - 9:00pm